Looking to earn some extra cash: A new network across Canada has sprung upon us this winter. Its been an extra long winter with the pandemic, not much to do anymore.
Most people are ordering take away food in Canada from places like Skip the Dishes, Uber Eats, and Door Dash.
Hence, when these companies no longer sell liquor for delivery, StayRunners 24 Hour Friends with Fridges Liquor Network turns on.
You can think of it as your after hours liquor delivery network.
What the network has people with some extra liquor in their fridges who are willing to giveaway in exchange for a delivery fee when liquor stores close.
Many of use at times forget to go to the liquor store to pick up liquor for a party, family gathering, or just to calm the stress.
What is even more stressful is the fact that the liquor stores close at a specific hour, and if you forgot to go to the store or its passed the liquor selling hour, you are normally out of luck.
StayRunners was conceived by its founder who had a friend who was having a party, yet he wasnt invited, and his friend asked if he had any beer kicking around his house.
Graham replied yes but he said he would give away the liquor for free in exchange for a delivery fee.
So when Late Night Delivery is needed or if you are a runner with Skip the Dishes, Door Dash, or Uber eats, go stock up your fridge with some of your own liquor for your personal consumption.
Then wait for someone on our network needs some liquor and get ready to earn some extra money on every delivery!
And if you join our network and a friend on our network needs some After Hours liquor, you can give that liquor away for free in exchange for a delivery fee and earn some extra cash from the delivery fees.
All the major brands like Budweiser, Kokanee, Crown Royal, Smirnoff Vodka, White Wine Red Wine and more.
The StayRunners 24 Hour Virtual network is open 24 hours for anyone who is over the legal age limit and is not intoxicated at the time of delivery.
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