Sign in at and become a Friend with a Fridge by just getting orders emailed to you and they pay you on delivery. Its that Simple. You Keep all the Tips, we collect from the Customer a Security Fee which is over and above your Free.

This really works well when everything is closed, for instance when the liquor stores are closed in your city, you can have some extra Beer, Wine Vodka Rum or Vapes in your house, apartment, tent or car and as long as the person who you are giving the products to are over the legal age limit and not intoxicated, you are good for receiving a TIP. They can pay you in cash or etransfer and hits really that simple
A Friend of mine who started this did it with a google business page and a 6 pack of beer in his fridge and now its grown to that. So lets say you have a six pack of beer you got for like 12 dollars at the liquor store, and you go to chat and someone is willing to give you 35 bucks to you in cash or etransfer and they are over the age, then you just made yourself 23 dollars in like 5 or 10 minutes or the time it took you to get there.
PLUS, in case you dont get anyone in your city to gift it to, you can just drink it, or smoke it, or vape it. You have to remember to be over 19 in British Columbia and you are fine. There are guys that have made well over $500 dollars in a night buy just getting it to those people at the right TIP and you can get the orders on Chat.
So all you got to do is this. Go To and click Become a Friend with a Fridge. Or Click this link here. There is no cost to join. All you need is a car, some extra alcohol, weed, vapes, beer, wine kicking around your house and you can make money tonight.
Its that simple. So now you can make a bit extra money and keep someone happy tonight as you came through for them. Cheers.
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