After Hours in Winnipeg can sometimes be a bit down. If there is no liquor delivery or after hours liquor delivery or no liquor store open, then you are normally out of luck. When everything is closed up especially now being Covid and all, whats there to do at home? Besides, I may have forgotten to go to the liquor store and hence, the 6 pack of beer i was going sipping while watching some Old Star Trek or Amazing Race plan was spoiled because the liquor store was closed. Well When Door Dash Skip the Dishes and Uber Eats stop delivering Liquor, If only I had a friend who I could go over to his house and have a drink but due to all the Covid, that plane is foiled.
Well, how about a friend who has some liquor he can deliver to me in exchange for a fee. how do you mean. a delivery fee? Yes! StayRunners has a virtual friends with fridges network across Canada that if you forgot to go to the liquor store or you ran out of some liquor, our friends with fridges have some extra liquor they can give away in exchange for a delivery fee. Hence there are friends with fridges now in Winnipeg that have some extra liquor around and you can contact StayRunners and they will put you in touch with the appropriate superhero who can give away some of his liquor in exchange for a delivery fee.

So lets keep the good times rolling and the next time you run out of liquor and you are home alone or in a party in Winnipeg and you need some help? dont call ghostbusters, call StayRunners and they will set you up with a friend with a fridge who can give away some of his liquor in exchange for a delivery fee.
Most of the Friends with Fridges have some extra White Wine, Red Wine, Vodka, Whiskey, Rum Beer and Coolers. Typical Brands are Smirnoff Captian Morgans Crown Royal Budweiser Molsons Canadian and Labatts Blue.
Have you ever run out of liquor and all the good or spirited times went away because you ran out?
Call our number at (778) 244 8695
Visit our website at:
Visit us also on Google Maps (StayRunners 24 Hour Virtual Liquor Store)
Want to be a Delivery Driver/Runner? Apply now @
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