Beer Store Vancouver
Vancouver! Keep the Beer Flowing! all night and never run out.
Keep the Beer Flowing at the 24 Hour Beer Store Vancouver. It doesn’t matter if its midnight or 3 in the morning, if you are over the legal age limit and not intoxicated, a Friend with a Fridge our late night super heroes will bring you some beer and keep the good times rolling
All the top beer brands in Budweiser, Coors, Miller, Peroni, Heineken, and Stella. We have it all and all over mainland Vancouver. Friends with Fridges are here to stay.

Hey Guys and Gals! Don’t you worry if the beer ran out. You are sitting by the fire, or chillaxin with the bros or hanging after the game, we are here to keep the good times flowing!

Give us a call or visit our site at StayRunners and one of my Friends with Fridges will keep the good times going for you and gift some of their extra liquor they have in exchange for a delivery fee. So when you run out of Liquor or Alcohol and need after-hours liquor, look no further than StayRunners, the trusted Virtual Liquor Store Delivery 24/7.
Very Soon. Hot Chick Delivery coming your way!

Visit our website at:
Visit us also on Google Maps (StayRunners 24 Hour Virtual Liquor Store)
Get a Delivery from a Friend with a Fridge in your City:
Want to be a Delivery Driver/Runner? Apply now @
Friends with Fridges are people who purchased their Liquor or Alcohol at a licensed liquor store during normal business hours. Friends with Fridges buy the liquor for their own consumption or give some extra liquor available to give it away for free in exchange for a delivery fee. They can also go shop at a store for cigarettes, weed, or anything they need to be delivered. we are the 24 Hour After Hours Liquor Delivery Service in Vancouver.