We are one step closer on your path : resilience failure and struggles are your true success.

Its amazing how time flys. We are all progressing through time, with every twirl of earth around the sun and the moon around us…we begin to get one step closer along the path…

So many people talk about success and what is success and there are so many definitions but I think I have a solution to this as that being one step closer to whatever you are achieving is the definition of success which can only be defined by numbers and the fibonacci sequence.

some people think that success is the accumulation of more and more and others think success is finishing a building or being a great mother. others believe its more experiences, more places, more adventures. but there is always something more that you can do, as each day we are climbing up a ladder and only we know in our hearts when to stop. However we only do know one thing for sure and that the final ladder leads us to the greater Good as we become one again.

lets look an the definition of an idea, which originates in the mind, as you think more and more of this idea, you begin to accumulate more of a thought process, however, the mathematics behind it is in the form of a spiral getting bigger and bigger, all initiating with an idea as a small thing, and as it grows, it grows from all angles.

For instance, I want to be with this person, then you start to think of all that you can be and have with that person, then slowly you go towards that direction. Building a Hotel, you start with the dream of touching the sand and seeing the palm trees then think of an amazing time you can have if you follow your dream. all based on 3 6 9, pi, and the fibonacci sequence.

Everytime you close off your mind in any given direction, it doesn’t happen. Thats the same as dying a thought, as thoughts are things.

this is how i view the world now, whether it’s confronting death one day, or starting any project, the goal has to be the end in mind, with that of success. but during your path, you will have failures, let downs, issues, and the end of mind is where you are going and thats defined by the keys of the universe. Knowing that we die one day is truly the main bliss as Alexander the Great once said in his early 30s….that the Truth Shall set you free, for the glory and for the Freedom. Even in those times and in all times are we governed by the laws of 3 6 9, the fibonacci numbers, and pie

Freedom in our hearts to do what we please with each day and being humble and grateful for everything we have so really the keys to the universe through respecting the laws of nature, 3 6 9, the Fibonacci sequence and fill your heart with love.

love as a spiral

In my quest to get my property back on the beaches of Tulum, Ill never forget the day when I ran for my life from police chasing me, having to switch cars and escape via hiding in a taxi to get to a hotel room where the police only did not brake down the door due to the owner. It was at the chilam balam hotel in 2015. This was on the other end of the fibonacci sequence as it was driven by the opposite of love, it was driven by greed. But the Greater good can use all the bad and turn it into a double good when applying the laws to 3 6 9, fibonacci and pie.

As the late Koby Bryant once said its resilience failure and struggles are the keys to success. Now you know how numbers 3 6 9, fibonacci, and pie are all your keys to the universe: with any path they are applying in your life.

The last thing that can then pass into your mind is when you are in the hospice or you are dying or fearing for the end of your life….its best to take it all in….hope the pain leaves your body, and let the forces of nature take you away by being grateful for your pure existence each and every moment, that you gave love to those around you, that you never took more than what was yours, and you gave back what you took, as to the death you are always part of the 3 6 9, fibonacci sequence, and pie moving towards your path….

The next time you see someone struggling to close a deal, to climb a mountain, to feed a baby or to help another person, just keep your mind on the fact that this is simply an effort to move forward someones path in their journey and that you in the end have your own path until the lights are out and you are always part of the fibonacci sequence, pie, and 3 6 9 until we become one again.