24 hour alcohol delivery near me – StayRunners Friends with Fridges is your solution in New York City
As long as you are over the legal age limit, not intoxicated, and if a Friend with a Fridge has what you are looking for, then you can keep the good times going with the 24 Hour Virtual Liquor Store in New York City.

Keep the streets safe and dont drink and drive. Let us bring it to you for the privacy of your own place. Choose from the best brands of beer, vodka, whisky, wine and more.
Al Cohol aka Graham Alexander the Founder of StayRunners and Tech Guru, Rapper, Movie Producer, Hotelier and Real Estate Developer is here to tell you that you are now granted back your freedoms in the Land of the Free and Canada Too! Thats Right
StayRunners can GIFT for a TIP any Alcohol that Friends with Fridges acquired from Licensed Stores upon verification of your age and if you are intoxicated at the time of receipt.
Now you dont ever have to worry what time the Liquor Stores close in. your City. As long as there is a Friend with a Fridge, you can get Your Alcohol FAST to you. When Jesus came to this earth, he turned water into wine and kept the good times going. Here your Friend with the Fridge is New York Super Heros at Night, helping you get through the night and letting you enjoy in the privacy of your own home if you forgot to go to the store, or the store is closed or you ran out.
Listen to Alcohol YouTube Message to you. Tt Keep the Good Times Going! to Keep the Love going for everyone.
If you want to keep the good times going. Become a Friend with a Fridge and keep the good times going.
We would be happy to have you as a Friend with a Fridge. Come and join StayRunners 24 Hour Virtual Liquor Store by going to StayRunners.com